Other News

Modern Methods of Construction (MMC1) Framework

The recent introduction of the Department for Education (DfE) £3bn offsite schools framework, also known as the modern methods of construction (MMC1) framework,   has seen some notable projects for Cableflow using our UK manufactured extruded aluminium dado trunking systems for classrooms and other learning labs and suites.

The framework supports a wider government move towards modern methods of construction (MMC) as a preference for new build projects, and is here transferred to education facilities. This framework is the next step in the evolution of offsite construction of school buildings. It follows the previous DfE modular A, B and C frameworks. The MMC1 framework uses the next generation in standardised school design which builds on earlier component design approaches to offsite construction and incorporates the changes to the standard output specification. The DfE MMC1 framework is open to Local authorities, dioceses and academy trusts to use.

This principle aim is to manufacture as much of the project off-site as possible and reduce onsite time and labour associated with traditional methods of construction whilst benefitting from economies of standardisation and speed of factory build. It is here that our extruded aluminium dado trunking systems have a key part to play, suitably rigid and robust enough to be pre-fabricated off-site and shipped to site or the modular building companies facility for speed of install and using standardised module designs.

Cableflow have been working with a number of the MMC approved contractors to develop a cost viable dado trunking solution based upon standard product but tailored to develop standard classroom configurations.

By adopting a modular approach that can be integrated at early design stage from a standard library of dado module configurations presents significant programme benefits to delivery of the scheme. By incorporating a more robust product which is assembled off site, benefitting from factory labour rates and speed of assembly the long term capability in these arduous environments is a significant improvement on steel or PVC dado systems which is cost effective when considering the overall installed cost and programme benefits.

With integrated flexibility and adaptability for future services provision changes the ‘dado solution’ pack we have developed for schools meet the requirements of the Equality Act (DDA) whilst being universally applicable across the established classroom design footprints. Integration alongside SMART teaching walls, power, IT services and building management system components are all integrated for ease.